Mindy Gledhill



Mindy Gledhill

在Apple Music 聆聽Mindy Gledhill的音樂。 尋找Mindy Gledhill最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《All About Your Heart》、《Anchor》 及更多作品。

Mindy Gledhill

75.1K subscribers•105 videos ✨Indie singer songwriter helping you heal your *younger self.*✨ New album September 2024????

Mindy Gledhill(@mindygledhill)• Instagram 相片與影片

30K 位粉絲、 4469 人追蹤中、 4740 則貼文- Instagram 上的Mindy Gledhill (@mindygledhill):「 Indie singer songwriter recording phone calls to ...

Mindy Gledhill Anchor

供應中 商品簡介:收錄網路爆紅「分手妝」影片的背景音樂【AllAboutYourHeart】、韓國實境節目『我們結婚了』插曲【CrazyLove】等多首話題作品。愜意又舒服的氛圍,由一把要躍上 ...

Mindy Gledhill

Mindy Gledhill (born March 7, 1981) is an American singer-songwriter from Eureka, California who is best known for her songs I Do Adore and Anchor.

Mindy Gledhill (@mindygledhill) • Instagram photos and videos

Indie pop artist calling up my younger self inside a phone booth & recording our convos as songs. Stream new album 'The Phone Booth Sessions, Vol. 1'!

Mindy Gledhill 新增了1 張相片。

I've always been fascinated by the history of red lipstick. Thanks to Girl vs Globe for spelling it out so clearly.

‎Mindy Gledhill

在Apple Music 聆聽Mindy Gledhill的音樂。 尋找Mindy Gledhill最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《Eyes (feat. Mindy Gledhill)》、《In the Bleak Midwinter》 及更多作品。


在AppleMusic聆聽MindyGledhill的音樂。尋找MindyGledhill最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《AllAboutYourHeart》、《Anchor》及更多作品。,75.1Ksubscribers•105videos✨Indiesingersongwriterhelpingyouhealyour*youngerself.*✨NewalbumSeptember2024????,30K位粉絲、4469人追蹤中、4740則貼文-Instagram上的MindyGledhill(@mindygledhill):「Indiesingersongwriterrecordingphonecallsto ...,供應中商品簡介:收錄網路爆紅「分手妝...

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